Take Action for Safe Kids!
Do Your Part to Help Keep Kids Safe.
Most of the actions planned by Safe Kids to help stop Family Courts from ordering children into the custody
of their abusers can be performed in the comfort of your own home on your computer or even your smart phone.
It is a way of performing a vital community service: protecting our children.
For those who think this issue only applies to other people, remember that the vast majority of family predators
prey outside the family as well and victimize over 100 children each. Sandusky is an excellent example.
So ALL children are at risk, including yours, your nieces, nephews, grandchildren, etc.
"It takes a village."
Take one or more of the actions and you can say you contributed to a safer society for our children.
of their abusers can be performed in the comfort of your own home on your computer or even your smart phone.
It is a way of performing a vital community service: protecting our children.
For those who think this issue only applies to other people, remember that the vast majority of family predators
prey outside the family as well and victimize over 100 children each. Sandusky is an excellent example.
So ALL children are at risk, including yours, your nieces, nephews, grandchildren, etc.
"It takes a village."
Take one or more of the actions and you can say you contributed to a safer society for our children.
Project 'Social Media'
Project 'Social Media' is an innovative way to inspire people in a position to help bring awareness to the issue of children being court-ordered to live with their abusers. The idea is for everybody to facebook or tweet simultaneously so we can get media personalities' and celebrities' attention and get them to see how widespread and serious the issue of family courts ordering children to live with abusers is and to lend support to us.
We will be facebooking and tweeting every Wednesday. See Safe Kids FB page for more details. Join us on Twitter @SafeKidsInternl |
Project 'Jailed Moms'
This project attempts to catalogue all the moms who have been put in jail for trying to protect their children. Once we have the numbers and case examples the media may take this on as a dramatic aspect of our issue.
There are many mothers who are sent to jail by family court judges in an effort to intimidate, disempower and punish them into silence about the abuse and compliance with her children living with an abuser. For recent moms sent to jail, go to our FB page: Jailed Moms |
This project will involve posting the address and inmate # of each mom presently incarcerated, so that anyone can write her and let her know there are thousands of us who support her. We will also encourage participation in efforts to free her, such as petitions, the innocence project, letters to governors, etc.
Project 'Impeach A Judge'
This project will involve Safe Kids naming judges who give custody to abusers.
We are collecting quotes by judges that prove they are dismissing and concealing evidence of abuse and endangering children. Please scribd the transcripts and send link to Safe Kids. If these judges are up for election, people who live in the area can start campaigns to unseat them. Or they can start a recall campaign if no election is in sight. Judges who order children to be abused, molested or raped: Damon's List |
Project 'Report Abuse'
Safe Kids will be launching a new initiative in the wake of the Jerry Sandusky debacle. Everyone now agrees that it is up to each and everyone of us to report child abuse when we suspect suspect it, rather than looking the other way or expecting others to do something about it. The internet will be used to alert people to cases in which there is good reason to suspect abuse and let the public know who to call to report it. This can now be done GLOBALLY. If you suspect a child anywhere in the world of being abused, you will be able to call the police departments there and report it. The beauty of this is that people will be able to perform an extremely important community service from the comfort of their home.
Project 'Comment On'
This is perhaps the easiest of all actions to take and it can help greatly to get the media to cover this issue. When you comment favorably on an article which deals with anything related to the issue of children not being protected, reporters and journalists are encouraged to continue to report on it. Safe Kids regularly posts articles on its FB page, so check there for articles you can comment on. To save time and energy, you can create a Word document in which you write comments ahead of time so you can just copy and paste. You can create an alias and separate email which you use for articles if you do not want to use your real name.
THE ARTICLE TO COMMENT ON NOW is: Gov. Brown vetoes bill regulating child abuse investigations
Project 'Quote a Judge'
Safe Kids will be collecting excerpts from transcripts which support the contention that family courts are recklessly disregarding the safety of children and ordering them into the custody of abusers. The public has a difficult time believing that judges would cover up abuse and send children to live with abusers, so there is no better way than to quote them. Although most judges are too crafty to say things openly on the record, there have been many who have been so brazen as to do that.
Project 'Family Violence Courts'
This project requires the most energy, organizing and planning, but if you can get your local elected officials to make these policy changes, it would do much to help protect children. The idea is that in order for cases to be investigated and adjudicated properly, a multi-disciplinary team (MDT) needs to investigate and follow the case into the family court system, where it should be handled in specialized courts with judges trained in family violence.
This proposal was created using the combined expertise of doctors, attorneys, judges, psychologists, protective parents and survivors of the system who have identified the problems leading to children being sent to live with abusers. See: Domestic Violence, Abuse and Child Custody San Diego County is leading the way with the first Task Force, Sacramento County right behind, but it may be modified to suit any county in any state or country. San Diego's full proposal may be found at: San Diego Task Force on Violence Against Children
San Diego Task Force on Violence Against Children
2) lowering the Appellate Standard of Review from "abuse of discretion" to "error of law" in
interpersonal violence cases
The mission of the San Diego Task Force is to stop violence against children by utilizing a comprehensively trained multi-disciplinary team and a specialized Family Violence court to investigate and adjudicate child assault reports.
At present, thousands of children are being battered, raped and even murdered because law enforcement, CPS and Family Courts are not investigating or adjudicating cases properly. The perpetrators in child sexual assault cases pose a threat to the safety of all children and to the health of our community. The implementation of the Task Force's proposed procedures and protocols will ensure these cases are handled properly and more children are protected.
The San Diego Task Force is proposing that child assault reports be referred to a Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT), which will conduct a thorough criminal investigation before any civil/family court involvement. Cases will be sent to the D.A. if there is sufficient evidence to charge the alleged perpetrator, or to the proposed civil Family Violence Court (FV Court) if not. An evidentiary hearing, akin to a criminal proceeding, will take place in the FV Court at which the judge will make a determination as to whether the preponderance of evidence burden is met. If so, appropriate protections will be implemented to ensure the child’s safety, which will comport with the current standard of care.
All MDT and FV Court officials will be comprehensively trained in child assault investigation and litigation. An independent oversight committee will review cases and a specialized data tracking system will document outcomes. This will provide badly needed transparency and accountability.
The Task Force welcomes input from experts, judges, attorneys, legislators and survivors of the current system. The San Diego Task Force proposals can be tailored to fit the needs of any county. Please contact us if you would like to start a Task Force on Violence Against Children in your region.
- Utilize a Multi-Disciplinary Team to investigate and adjudicate child assault reports
- Designate a department in each trial court division for Family Violence cases
- Conduct civil/domestic trials comparable to criminal proceedings
- Train Family Violence Court professionals in valid protocols and current research
- Develop a specialized data base to track outcomes
- Form an independent oversight committee
- Enact legislation:
2) lowering the Appellate Standard of Review from "abuse of discretion" to "error of law" in
interpersonal violence cases
The mission of the San Diego Task Force is to stop violence against children by utilizing a comprehensively trained multi-disciplinary team and a specialized Family Violence court to investigate and adjudicate child assault reports.
At present, thousands of children are being battered, raped and even murdered because law enforcement, CPS and Family Courts are not investigating or adjudicating cases properly. The perpetrators in child sexual assault cases pose a threat to the safety of all children and to the health of our community. The implementation of the Task Force's proposed procedures and protocols will ensure these cases are handled properly and more children are protected.
The San Diego Task Force is proposing that child assault reports be referred to a Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT), which will conduct a thorough criminal investigation before any civil/family court involvement. Cases will be sent to the D.A. if there is sufficient evidence to charge the alleged perpetrator, or to the proposed civil Family Violence Court (FV Court) if not. An evidentiary hearing, akin to a criminal proceeding, will take place in the FV Court at which the judge will make a determination as to whether the preponderance of evidence burden is met. If so, appropriate protections will be implemented to ensure the child’s safety, which will comport with the current standard of care.
All MDT and FV Court officials will be comprehensively trained in child assault investigation and litigation. An independent oversight committee will review cases and a specialized data tracking system will document outcomes. This will provide badly needed transparency and accountability.
The Task Force welcomes input from experts, judges, attorneys, legislators and survivors of the current system. The San Diego Task Force proposals can be tailored to fit the needs of any county. Please contact us if you would like to start a Task Force on Violence Against Children in your region.
Safe Kids will be providing more information about how you can get these solutions implemented.